The RoadShow
Made by Road Builders
The BC Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (BCRB & HCA) is a non-profit organization established in 1966 that represents more than 280 companies who work in and provide service and support for the BC road-building and maintenance industry. The organization drives innovative solutions to address industry challenges, advocates for infrastructure development, and supports member organizations in labour negotiations and government-related concerns.
“Investments like [The RoadShow] are vital for the strength of communities in BC. We look forward to how this program will raise the profile of these jobs, and how they can be an important catalyst for the economic health of the province.”
Matt Pitcairn, Vice President, BCRB & HCA
Reaching every corner of BC
Cross-Province Tour
The RoadShow is coming to you. The trailer will be travelling across BC from Spring 2024 until early 2026, stopping at hundreds of cities and towns. From Vancouver Island to the northern reaches of BC, we’re giving everyone a chance to experience a career in highway maintenance and road-building. Make a request for a stop in your town or stay up to date on the tour.
Keep Up With The RoadShow
For members of the media wanting to engage with the program, its events and the BC Road Builders, there will be opportunities to learn more once the tour is underway.